
Can You Change Powerflex 40 Drive Motor Nameplate Data Through Rslogix 5000 Controller Tags

RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000
RSLogix 5000

RSLogix 5000  sixteen.04.00

RSLogix 5000  17.01.02

RSLogix 5000  eighteen.02.00

RSLogix 5000  19.01.01

Other Products - Compatibility
Rockwell Services

Factory Talk Service Platform with RSLinx Enterprise

FTSP ii.ten.00 RSLE 5.10.00 (CPR9)

FTSP ii.10.01 RSLE 5.10.01 (CPR9 SR1)

FTSP 2.ten.02 RSLE five.twenty.00, five.21.00 (CPR9 SR2)

FTSP ii.30.00 RSLE 5.30.00 (CPR9 SR3)

FTSP 2.40.00 RSLE 5.xl.00 (CPR9 SR4)

FTSP 2.fifty.00 RSLE v.fifty.00 (CPR9 SR5)

FTSP 2.51.00 RSLE five.51.00 (CPR 9 SR5.1)

FTSP 2.60.00 RSLE 5.60.00 (CPR 9 SR6)

FTSP two.61.00 RSLE 5.61.00 (CPR 9 SR6.1)

FTSP 2.70.00 RSLE 5.70.00 (CPR9 SR7)

FTSP two.71.00 RSLE 5.71.00 (CPR9 SR7.1)

FTSP 2.73.00 RSLE v.73.00 (CPR9 SR7.3)

FTSP two.74.00 RSLE five.74.00 (CPR9 SR7.4)

FTSP 2.eighty.00 RSLE v.80.00 (CPR9 SR 8)

FTSP two.81.00 RSLE 5.81.00 (CPR9 SR 8.1)

FTSP 2.90.00 RSLE 5.ninety.00 (CPR9 SR9)

FTSP iii.00.00 FT Linx 6.00.00 (CPR 9 SR ten)

Operating Systems



Windows 2000

Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (NTFS)

Windows 10

Windows 10, Exterior of Microsoft Semi-Almanac Channel Support

Windows 11

Windows 11

Windows 2003

Windows 2003 Standard (32-bit)

Windows 2003 Standard SP1 (32-scrap)

Windows 2003 Standard SP2 (32-bit)

Windows 2003 R2

Windows 2003 R2 Standard (32-flake)

Windows 2003 R2 Standard SP2 (32-bit)

Windows 2003 R2 Standard SP2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2003 Standard R2 SP1 [32-bit]

Windows 2008

Windows Server 2008 Standard (32-chip)

Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 (32-flake)

Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 [64-flake]

Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 (32-bit)

Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 (64-chip)

Windows 2008 R2

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1

Windows 7

Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32-flake

Windows vii Enterprise SP1 64-flake

Windows 7 Home Premium (32-bit)

Windows 7 Home Premium (64-scrap)

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32-bit

Windows seven Home Premium SP1 64-scrap

Windows seven Professional person (32-bit)

Windows vii Professional (64-bit)

Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit)

Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit)

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-flake

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

Windows 8

Windows eight (dwelling house) 32-Bit

Windows eight (habitation) 64-Flake

Windows 8 Enterprise 32-Bit

Windows eight Enterprise 64-Bit

Windows 8 Professional person 32-Chip

Windows eight Professional 64-Bit

Windows eight.1 Enterprise 32-Bit

Windows 8.ane Enterprise 64-Bit

Windows eight.1 Professional 32-Bit

Windows 8.1 Professional 64-Fleck

Windows Vista

Windows Vista Business (32-scrap)

Windows XP

Windows XP Pro (32-bit)

Windows XP Pro SP1 (32-bit)

Windows XP Pro SP2 (32-bit)

Windows XP Pro SP3 (32-bit)

Antivirus Software

PN24 - Rockwell Software Products and Antivirus Software

Release Notes


Activation Cardinal Software Grace Flow

Auto-Salvage and Recovery

Electronic Data Sheet AOP

Extended Tag Properties

Finding-Adding Devices to Logix Tree

HMI Connectivity and Performance Improvements

Integrated System Install

Language Switching, Multi-lingual Project Documentation

Logix Appointment Base Changed

Logix Designer, Blueprint Environment and Application

Logix Tree, Enhancements to Finding-Calculation Devices

Logix Tree, Module Discovery

Module Discovery on Logix Tree

Online Help, Instruction Context Sensitive

Project Documentation Stored in Controller

Sample Projects

SOE-Input and Scheduled-Output Modules

Start Page

System Install

Tool Windows, Auto-Hide

Add On Instructions

Add-On Instructions, Attributes

Addition Instructions, False Execution

Add-On Instructions, High-Integrity

Add together-On Instructions, Improved Faux Execution Time

Add together-On Instructions, Safety

Add-on Instructions, User Divers

Pre-scan of Addition Instruction Behavior

Alarms and Events

Alarm Shelving back up for Logix device-based Alarms

ALMA and ALMD Instructions

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Features

Full ISA eighteen.2 Alarm Country Standard Adoption

Communications EtherNetIP Network

Expanded Socket Connections Back up

Selection to Unicast Producer and Consumer Tags on EtherNetIP


Socket Connections

Support for Unicast Connections to Condom IO Modules

Unicast Produce/Consume Safety

Unicast Produce/Swallow Condom I/O

Unicast Produce/Consume Standard

Unicast Produce/Consume Standard I/O

Communications General

CIP Sync Time Coordination

Communication Slot, Restricted

DF1 Radio Modem Broadcast Support

DF1 Radio Modem Protocol Support

Produce/Consume Tag Structures Status

Restricted Communication Slot

RPI Limit Setting for Produce/Swallow

FactoryTalk Services

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Redundancy

FactoryTalk AssetCentre and RSMACC Archive Integration

Firmware Direction

Logix5000 Firmware Supervisor

Import Export

CSV Import-Export of FBD and SFC Text Boxes

Decorated Information for Import/Export in XML Format

Full Project Import/Export in XML Format

Program and Routine Fractional Import/Export

Runtime Partial Import

Integrated Motion On EtherNetIP

CIP Movement Using EtherNet/IP Networks

CIP Movement, Up to eight Axes

Kinetix 5500 CIP-Motion Servo Drives

Load Observer CIP Move

Motor Test and Substitution Bending Test

PowerFlex Support

3rd Political party Motor Support

Move Analog

Dwelling to Torque (Kinetix 2000, 6000, and 7000)

Motion Coordinated

Active and Awaiting Motion

Motion Full general

Articulated Dependent Transform End Effecter Offsets

Automatic Device Configuration for Drives (ADC)

Interpolated Actual Position Acceleration Compensation

Kinematic Geometries

Kinematic Transformations Instructions Added

Kinetix 7000 Bulldoze Analog Input Configuration

Load Observer

Main Driven Speed Control (MDSC)

MCD and MCCD Motion Instructions Enhancements

Online Changes in Output CAM Editor

Positive-Negative Rotary Moves for MAM Didactics

Programmable Jerk Command

Programmable Jerk Extensions

Programmable Jerk Support for Multi-Axis Instructions

Single-Centrality Programmable Jerk Support


AutoFlash for SERCOS Drives

Kinetix 6000M Integrated Drive-Motor Systems


Active Step Maintained During SFC Online Edit

Advanced Process Control Instructions

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events (Logix-Based Alarms)

Instruction Defaults (FBD and SFC Programming Languages)

Produced_Consumed Tag Structures Status

Runtime Detection of Controller Modifications


EtherNetIP and ControlNet CIP Safety

GuardLogix Controllers Support Standard ControlLogix Functions

GuardLogix Safety Instructions

Kinetix 6000 Advanced Safety Drive_S1 and Enhanced Safety Torque-off Drive_S0

Support for Remote Safe Modules


Change Detection Audit Value

Controller Log

Data Access Command

Security Authority for Authentication and Authorization

Security Log-On/Log-Off

System and Device-Level Security


Supported on VMware (KB 566423 )



1769 Meaty I/O Error

1769-L2y Controller

Let Unicast Consumer Connections cheque box (Lgx00159102)

Alternate Documentation Language

Fill-in Files are Deleted

Bare Principal Window

BOOL tags did not retain value (Lgx00226143)

Compatibility with Windows 7 operating systems (Lgx00111504)

Component tag deletion causes fatal error (Lgx00129693)

Copy Instruction

Cross Reference For A Job

Cantankerous Reference function causes fatal mistake (Lgx00209066)

Disable Download Projection Documentation and Extended Properties Features

Displaying secondary Assist window causes blank main window (Lgx00039239)


Bulldoze run at modest coarse update menses (Lgx00132326)

Enhanced Cam Editor not fully disabled even when Maintain Projection permission has been denied (Lgx00029563)

Error accessing movement module properties afterward import (Lgx00028541)

Error message show in English for 8 local languages in version 21 and afterward of Logix Designer application (Lgx00134215...)

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events systems that utilise ALMA and ALMD instructions

FactoryTalk AssetCentre fault caused by the Logix Designer application (961951, Lgx00225888)

FactoryTalk AssetCentre Server

Failed to create module library, not registered (Lgx00203463)

Failure to modify the RPI of a consumed tag (Lgx00003204)

Fatal error can occur when an RLL rung is edited using ASCII Editor offline (1244044)

Fatal error converting v20 project (Lgx00200539)

Fatal fault navigating off table in Module Backdrop dialog box (Lgx00103461)

Fatal mistake on rung edited online (Lgx00127957)

Fatal mistake searching for forces (Lgx00133070)

Firmware cannot be updated after licensed connection key has been revoked (Lgx00168994, Lgx00169634, Lgx00156630)

GDI Object Leaks, Child Windows

GDI Objects Exceed OS Limit

Generating WinHlp32 Database for Detect Tab

Guard I/O Safety Module Profiles

Index entries with multiple targets do non testify correct title

Installing v30.00 or the v30.00 AOP Parcel and adding ENBT, ENT2T, or EN2TR modules causes fatal fault (Lgx00210565)

Instances of going online for this first time declining (Lgx00006178, Lgx00006022)

L1 Controller embedded I/O module firmware (Lgx00127607)

L1 Controller remove or insert local expansion POINT I/O modules (Lgx00131054)

Language Switching Feature, Removing Projects

Log On to FactoryTalk Dialog Box Displays When Launching RSLogix 5000 (00124955)

Miscellaneous Corrected Anomalies V17

Miscellaneous Corrected Anomalies V18

Miscellaneous Corrected Anomalies V19

Miscellaneous Known Anomalies V17

Miscellaneous Known Anomalies V18

Miscellaneous Known Anomalies V19

Miscellaneous Known Anomalies V20

New EDS File Not Displayed

New EDS file not displayed (Lgx00124959)

New EDS Subsystem Incompatible with RSNetWorx v11 and Prior (Lgx00143601)

No indication a command has focus in Properties dialog box (Lgx00113166)

Offline Memory Estimation

Online Help, Recovery Documentation

Operands missing after re-create and paste or drag and driblet of coordinated motion instructions to version 17 (Lgx00080000)

Output cam execution targets not converted (Lgx00025982)

Output data remains high for inhibited modules during testing (Lgx00177604)

Paste of User Defined Type

PLC-5 Controller

Printing a Report for a Big Projection

Printing a Tag

Project Documentation Language Configuration

Project Re-Verification Operations

Projection Using SQR Part

Rack Connection

References In Program Logic Will Not Update (Lgx00125220)

Remove Alarm Buffer object from GSV/SSV instructions (Lgx00138886)

Renamed Rubber Chore

Results Window Non Docked

RSLogix 5000 Clock Update tool does not work properly on 64-fleck Windows 7 (Lgx00124864)

RSLogix 5000 reports fatal fault in Ladder instruction (Lgx00125908)

RUN LED on controller shows wrong land (Lgx00133064)

Safe State Value

Safety Module Signature

Selecting Literature Library Links

Slow Launch Times (Lgx00125369)

Start Pages

Tag Browser

The Logix Designer application stopped performing after multiple cross reference tasks (Lgx00208988)

Tool tip for Dest FAL instruction indicates an undefined tag (Lgx00176367)

Ii public parameters aliased to the aforementioned local programme scoped tag (Lgx00175994)

Unable to Enter Alpha Numeric Serial Number during Install (Lgx00145881)

Unable to Open up Total Project XML Format File (.L5X) for Project File of After Version of RSLogix 5000 Software than is Beingness Exec

Unable to Set Date/Time

Unicode Characters, Does Not Display (Lgx00063773)

Update Studio 5000 Logix Designer to back up MSXML for DfS compliance (Lgx00193996)

Vendor specific mistake code (Lgx00137897)

Watchdog Fault During Prescan

Watchdog Fault During Prescan (Lgx00113376, Lgx00112413)

Windows 7 Operating Systems

Windows Vista Operating System

Add On Instructions

Add On Educational activity change date

Addition Instruction tag members copied incorrectly (Lgx00217794)

Add-On Instruction with Aliased Parameters

Array Bounds V16 Add-On Instructions

Boolean Array Passed as In/Out Parameter

Changing an Addition Instruction alias parameter to a base tag tin can result in unexpected tag values (Lgx00214079, Lgx00217794)

Deleting an Add On Instruction

Deleting, Moving an Add-On Instruction Parameter

Download of Add-On Instructions Case

Download with Nested Add-On Instruction Routines (Lgx00144348)

Export Improver Instruction fails to parse on import (Lgx00200761)

GSV in Addition Instructions

Imported Add-On Pedagogy

Indirect Addressing of a Chip

Indirect Indexing

Indirectly Addressing an Instance Tag

Invalid Add-on Educational activity later on upload - multi-dimensioned Add-On Didactics parameter tag (Lgx00224252)

Literal Boolean Input Parameter

Modified AOI Updates

Alarms and Events

Align Mistake

ALMA and ALMD Instructions in Logix Designer

Analog or Digital Alarm InAlarmUnack Tag

Associated Tag, Non-Recoverable

Changing Data In ALMD Or ALMA Instruction

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events systems that employ ALMA and ALMD instructions

Memory Estimates for Tags Are Besides Low

Communications EtherNetIP Network

1756-ENBT Modules No Longer Displayed Ethernet accost

Communications Full general

1747-AENTR Module Connections

1756 HART Module Is Deleted

Download Fails with Communication Time-out

Emulated Controller, Select Slot 0

Projection With 100 Or More Produced, Consumed Connections

Remote CompactLogix Controller

Firmware Management

AutoFlash Updates

AutoFlash, Incompatible

Axis Backdrop Revert To Out-Of-Box Values

CIP Path Displayed Using AutoFlash

Long Timeout

USB and DF1 bridging

Function Block

Editing a FBD

Editing FBD Logic

FBD Routine was Optimized

FBD, Pasting An Output Reference

FGEN Instruction, Downloading

GCC Compile Error occurs when project contains ALMA instructions in FBD routine (Lgx00137675)

JSR instruction, FBD

Lengthy Response Time

Response Time in a FBD Routine

Import Export

Error Accessing Move Module Backdrop Afterwards Import


Import Full Project, Add

Imported routine fatal error (Lgx00128439)

L5X import, Improver Instruct

Modifying A Tag Component Description

Module, Importing Using XML

PLC SLC Mapped Tag

References In Program Logic Volition Not Update

Selecting Data Compare

Unable to Open up Total L5X Project File


XML Full Project

Integrated Motion on EtherNetIP

Information Type of AXIS_CIP_DRIVE

Exceed Unwind Position

Ladder Logic

Ladder Editor

Ladder Editor Display Workstation

Renaming a Tag

Tool tip for undefined tag in Ladder Editor needs comeback (Lgx00176367)

Undefined Tag error (Lgx00190787)

Undo in Ladder Editor

Motion Analog

Unable to Update 1756-M02AE Module

Motion Coordinated

Operands Missing V17

Stopping coordinated motion taking longer than expected (Lgx00133127)

Motion General

Add instruction mistake lawmaking 111, "An Axis With Maximum Acceleration of Naught is Invalid" (Lgx00179479)

CIP Axis effective resolution tin can get negative number

Copying Instructions To V20 From Earlier Version

Drive Polarity Setting

DriveLogix "Major Fault On Controller..." Checkbox Display

Hardware Overtravel Mistake

Hardware Overtravel Fault (Lgx0x66998)

Module Modify Properties

Motion Bear upon to Motion Group

Online Help, MCD Instruction Units Documentation

Operands Missing V16

Output Cam editor with UDT alias causes a crash when yous click Use (Lgx00161890)

Servo Off Error

Unexplained motion (1090045)


Home to Torque Level

Incorrect Peak Current Ratings

SERCOS Ring Phase Up


"Log On to FactoryTalk" Displayed

Alias Tags Incorrectly Reference I/O Data

Array Indexing

Configuring Tags During Import of Rungs

Controller Scope Tag

Copy An In/Out Parameter

Copying Rungs

Copying Rungs from Projects

Copying Tag Of Blazon MESSAGE

Displaying Tag Browser

Download and Upload of Tags was Optimized

Dragging of Language

Dragging of Language Elements

GDI Limit Exceeded

Incorrectly Reference I/O Data

Inserting Unicode Characters

Linguistic communication Switching Feature, Disengage

LBL Education

Long Filibuster Modifying

Print Routine with Tag Cross-References

RSLogix 5000 Application Non-Responsive

RSLogix 5000 Software Unresponsive

RSNetWorx Software Cannot Download to Controller

S-curve Part Block Executes with Uninitialized Values

Dull Launch Times

SoftLogix SSV Instruction

Standard Tag List

Unicode Characters, Does Not Display

User-Defined Data Type Size Limits

Sentry Listing, Deleting Tags


Safety Lock LED sometimes fails to show correct condition after y'all restore project from SD card (Lgx00178417)

Safety modules fail to instantiate after installation of Ethernet module AOP profile x.00.3664 (Lgx00170167)


Logix CPU Security Tool

Secure digital card (Lgx00130075)

Security selection for Motion: Modify Configuration allows modification on module properties (Lgx00055583)

Security Privileges Are Not Refreshed

Unable to Enable Security

Unable to enable security with SetSecKeys tool before than version 18 (Lgx00107466)

Sequential Part Charts

Excessive Number Of GDI Objects

SFC Action Opened

SFC, Editor, Scroll Rate Changes

SFC, FOR or BREAK Education

SFC, Force Indication Not Cleared

SFC, Online Editing Response Fourth dimension

Structured Text

Adding a new case selection in a Structured Text routine (Lgx00166840)

Cleared Text From Editor Window

Upload Of A Project With Structured Text

Functional Changes



Controller Information, Brandish in Window Header

Controller Organizer, Inhibited Job Output Notifications

Coordinated System Time, Master Bank check

Date Change to Reference the Start Engagement of 1970

Find All Context Menu

Help Converted to HTML

Keying CompactLogix Default Controller

Language Editor with Auto-Sized Text Entry Field

LINT, 64 Bit Information Type

MCT and MCTP Instructions Rotation Order

PLC_SLC Data Mapping Dialog Sorting

Quick View Pane, Mores Attributes and Viewing Options

Quick Picket Window, Forcing Added

Quick Picket Window, Toggle Bit Added

Quick Watch Window, ToolTips and Tag Naming

Reading SFC Chart Paused Country via GSV

Report Component Generation

Report, Controller Organizer

Reporting on Controller Configuration

Rotation Order Changed for MCT and MCTP Instructions

Tag Browser, Mouse Curlicue and Referenced Bit Picker

Tag Descriptions, Added to ToolTips

Tag Descriptions, Edit Base of operations Tag From Allonym

Tag Descriptions, Maximum Length Extended

Tag Descriptions, Remove Unused

Tag Filtering Enhancements

Tag Members, Alphabetical Sorting

Verification Alarm if Always False Teaching

Verification Alert if IO Forces Present

Alarms and Events

Warning Grid Display Way Added to Tag Monitor

CIP Sync

CIP Sync, Bank check for Time Synchronization Mastership

Communications EtherNetIP Network

EtherNet/IP Reduced Heartbeat

Generic Ethernet Module Extensions

Communications General

Hart Communications, Configuration Profiles Scale

HMI Connectivity Functioning Improvements

Overhead Time Slice, Forced Usage

Produce/Consume Tag Structure Status

RSNetWorx Access Direct From the Controller Organizer

Firmware Management

AutoFlash for SERCOS Drives

AutoFlash User Interface Prompting

Scripting Available for the ControlFLASH tool

Function Block

Ability to Display Values on Input Pins

Delete Tags When Educational activity Deleted

FBD Input and Output References Show Base of operations Tag Name

Increased Sheet Size

Option to Hide Tag Comments

Special Array Dialog Tab

Import Export

Example Change, Tag Name via CSV Import

UDT, Data Preservation after Modified Partial Import

Ladder Logic

Tag Name Wrapping in Ladder Editor

Motion Analog

M02AS_HYD02, Loss of Feedback Detection

Motion Full general

Custom Motor Conversion Tool

Delay Compensation, GSV/SSV Admission

Drive Resolution, GSV Access to Axis

MAOC Instruction, Extended Error Codes

Motion Axis Output Cam Expansion

Motility Planner Enhancements

Ability Loss, Configurable Fault Action

Rubber Off Mode, Active Status Axis Tags

S-Curve Stop Adjust via Dynamics Config Bits

Soft Overtravel Recovery Changes


Destructive Flake, Indistinguishable Detection Default Setting

Equipment Phase Monitoring Enhancements

Ladder Diagram Parameter Brandish Optimization Options

Logic Display Kept Centered When Zooming

Projection Names, GSV Admission

Resizable Horizontal Coil Bar in Linguistic communication Editors

Routine Type Selection During Creation

Shorted Branch Alert and Search Option

V20 Boosted Memory Requirements


CIP Sync, Condom Communication Support

Signature, Reading via GSV Instruction


Add-on Instructions, Granular Security Actions

Enabling Security for RSLogix 5000 Software

GuardLogix, Granular Security Deportment for Condom Components

Safety Signature Deletion in Run Mode Protection

Security on by Default for RSLogix 5000 Software

Source Protected Routines in .L5K Export File

Source Protection Central Enhancements

Sequential Office Charts

Array Faults Suppressed During Postscan of SFC Actions

Overview Visible by Routine

Paused State Read via GSV Instruction

SFR Pedagogy Filters Types and Pace Names

Step Timer ACC, Break Management

Tag Indicator, Force Status


Hardware Requirements v17

Hardware Requirements v18

Hardware Requirements v19

Hardware Requirements v20

Hardware Requirements v21

Installation Notes V17

Installation Notes V18

Installation Notes V19

Installation Notes V20

Installation Notes V21

Software Requirements Product Considerations v17

Software Requirements Product Considerations v18

Software Requirements Product Considerations v19

Software Requirements Product Considerations v20

Software Requirements Production Considerations v21

Software Requirements v17

Software Requirements v18

Software Requirements v19

Software Requirements v20

Software Requirements v21

Awarding Notes

Application Notes RSLinx Software v17

Application Notes RSLinx Software v18

Awarding Notes RSLinx Software v19

Application Notes RSLinx Software v20

Awarding Notes RSLinx Software v21

Application Notes v17

Application Notes v18

Application Notes v19

Awarding Notes v20

Application Notes v21


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