
How Have Digital Media Changed Social Interactions?

one. Digital media facilitates social interaction and empowers people

Digital media connects people in ways never before possible, enabling users to maintain friendships across time and distance. It enables those who are socially isolated or somehow ready apart from their firsthand concrete community to connect with like-minded or like-situated people. Digital media also facilitates interaction across social, economical, cultural, political, religious and ideological boundaries, allowing for enhanced agreement.

Many people admission social media platforms to express empathy and receive support from friends and family, including in times of emotional distress. This enriches people's relationships and their ability to stay in touch, and the ability of friends and family to identify and help loved ones in demand. Co-ordinate to a 2015 survey by Pew Enquiry Middle, the apply of social technology is linked to having a greater number of shut confidants, as well equally a larger, more diverse social circle. Some other Pew survey showed that 57% of teens state they have made a new friend online, and 83% state that social media makes them feel more connected and informed about their friends' lives.59

Social media tin can help to deepen relationships and facilitate the formation of back up networks – 68% of teen social media users take received support on these platforms during tough times.

A study past Vaughan Bell and colleagues found that adolescents' utilise of social networking sites enhances existing friendships and the quality of relationships for those who use digital social networks to bargain with social challenges. Those who apply online social networks to avoid social difficulties, however, tend to exhibit reduced well-existence.60

Past facilitating social interaction, digital media likewise appears to lower stress for at least some users. A separate Pew Inquiry Center survey in 2015 of 1,801 American adults ended that digital media users practise not accept higher levels of stress than others.61 This makes sense, specially for those who perform knowledge work and are aided by the greater access that digital media provides to colleagues and information. Moreover, Pew researchers institute that digital media actually mitigated stress for women who utilize Twitter, email and cell telephone picture sharing to build relationships.62 The same study did find, however, that digital media makes some people more aware of stressful events in others' lives, resulting in higher reported levels of tension. (Other findings on the negative impact of digital media consumption on stress are discussed after in this report.)

2. Digital media gives people a vocalization, increases civic participation and facilitates the creation of communities

While traditional media has long been central to informing the public and focusing public attending on particular subjects, digital media is helping to amplify the response to humanitarian crises and to support those afflicted past these crises. During the Arab Spring of 2011-2012, digital media served as a vehicle to mobilize resources, organize protests and draw global attending to the events.63 64 Through digital media, users around the earth nerveless $2 1000000 in just ii days for victims of the Nepal convulsion of 2015.65 Refugees fleeing the war in Syria accept cited Google Maps and Facebook groups as sources of information that helped them to not simply plan travel routes only to also avoid human traffickers.66

Digital media has also enhanced information sharing across the world, giving people much greater access to facts, figures, statistics, and similar, allowing that data to broadcast much faster. This not but enables people to reply in real time as events unfold, but also helps to expose political abuse and unfair business practices. For example, when a pharmaceutical company made plans to raise the toll of a item drug past more than than 5,000%, outrage spread quickly through digital media, forcing the company to opposite direction.67

Digital media is also allowing people around the world to build communities, organize activity and make their voices heard on a multitude of issues. Through online petitions and charities, people beyond the cybersphere can deed on causes most which they intendance., which helps individuals to start petitions and advance their causes, has enabled more 123 million users to attain their own goals on almost 15,000 issues in 196 countries, co-ordinate to its website.68 is some other case of a platform with the goal of enabling people to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to disharmonize and climatic change.69 Through the site, thousands of activists and citizens around the world accept been trained and supported to employ video safely, ethically and effectively to expose man-rights abuses and fight for change.70 For refugees currently coming to Europe, websites and applications such every bit, and are helping coordination of action amid people who are physically dispersed.

Similarly, digital media is helping people to support chosen causes financially. According to a report by Blackbaud, a non-profit software and services provider, online giving is growing, particularly in response to humanitarian disasters.71 Websites such as #GivingTuesday,, and are funnelling donations from millions of donors to the causes of their choice. Of form, the ease with which individuals and organizations can build and disseminate communications on different issues and crises also creates the risk of weakening long-term support as users are bombarded with data or requests for help on more problems than they tin can handle. Additionally, an musical instrument for a practiced cause can likewise be used for a bad ane (see discussion on downsides and risks later in the report).

Studies examining the impact of digital media on civic engagement accept had mixed findings. Exploring the furnishings of social networking sites on offline behaviour, a 2015 meta-study by Shelley Boulianne of Grant MacEwan University in Canada constitute that while the correlation between the use of social networking sites and election-campaign participation is weak, the relationship with civic engagement is stronger. 72 However, research indicates that messages on social media can significantly influence voting patterns. A study of the impact of certain messages posted on Facebook and promoted by friends on Ballot Twenty-four hour period during the 2010 elections in the USA "increased turnout directly by nearly 60,000 voters and indirectly by some other 280,000 voters through social contagion, for a total of 340,000 additional votes".73 This suggests that online political mobilization works, only information technology raises the issue of potential manipulation of digital media users and their political action, even when considering that digital media platforms give the opportunity to identify and challenge instances of manipulation.

This study'due south research into the bear upon of digital media on borough participation also reveals mixed findings. While a majority of respondents to the Implications of Digital Media Survey in China and Brazil say that digital media has had an overall positive result on their civic participation, a less-robust percentage of respondents in Due south Africa, and even smaller percentages in the USA and Frg say this is then (Table 16).

Similarly, respondents in Brazil (47%) and Mainland china (36%) are more likely to take taken action on a political or social outcome because of something read on a social networking site, than are respondents from South Africa (22%), Germany (25%) or the Us (12%) (Table 17). Across the 5 countries, well-nigh one out of five respondents uses social networking sites to share political information or encourage activeness on political issues a few times per calendar week (Table 18).

three. Digital media is changing how work gets done, boosting productivity and enhancing flexibility for workers and employers

Digitization of content and data, as well equally new digital communication technologies, have opened upwardly novel opportunities for where, when, how and by whom work gets done. This is irresolute the nature of the employment relationship. Many jobs now can exist done anywhere, at whatsoever fourth dimension, facilitated by the availability of digital data, loftier speed net, and better messaging, audio and video technology.

"We meet task opportunities in the freelance and "gig" economies in roles that you wouldn't have been able to previously see fifteen-20 years ago – annihilation from marketing to executive roles to medical."

Sara Sutton Fell,

A Pew Enquiry Eye written report of American adults in 2014 establish that amongst full- and function-time workers, 21% piece of work outside their workplace every day or almost every day, and 59% does that at to the lowest degree occasionally.74

Digitization is a major enabler of this trend, with one-half reporting that the cyberspace and mobile are "very important" to allowing them to do their job remotely, and some other 24% proverb that these tools are "somewhat of import".

This aforementioned study also plant that 46% of employed net users experience their productivity has increased considering of their use of the cyberspace, email and mobile or smartphones; only 7% feel less productive. Half of internet-using workers say these technologies have expanded the number of people outside their visitor with whom they communicate; 39% land it allows them more flexibility in the hours they work; and 35% say information technology has increased the number of hours they work.

These findings echo results from the Implications of Digital Media Survey, in which respondents charge per unit digital media as having an even bigger positive effect on their work lives than on their private or public lives, with detail benefits to their ability to detect work, exercise work, develop professionally and collaborate with colleagues (Table 19).

Although social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn were non identified every bit of import tools for online workers in the 2014 Pew Research Center written report, professional person communication and collaboration platforms have high futurity potential. For example, the Imperial Depository financial institution of Scotland recently introduced "Facebook at Piece of work" to "encourage collaboration and permit employees to communicate faster and more efficiently" as it stimulates non-hierarchical advice and discussion.75

Slack, one of the most highly valued start-ups in recent times, with currently 1.7 one thousand thousand daily agile users, exemplifies how virtually all knowledge, information and information related to piece of work can be managed within one platform. Its users claim to take cut email volume by almost half, improved transparency and offline culture significantly, and increased overall productivity past one-tertiary.76

Workers demand the aforementioned usability and features of their private advice tools for their professional person ones.

The Implications of Digital Media Survey results mirror these findings: most seventy% of participants hold that the apply of digital media for work-related purposes has already grown significantly and that it will go along to exercise then in the futurity (Table 20).

The changes in work that digitization and digital media have facilitated bring several advantages for workers, employers and social club at big. Across enhanced productivity, the greater flexibility afforded by digital media allows for better work-life integration – a critical element in enabling workers to effectively juggle multiple roles equally workers and caregivers. On a larger scale, higher work flexibility is helping to equalize and globalize piece of work opportunities for people living in remote areas, those who are less mobile, or living in countries with less developed or struggling economies.

Organizations tin and should use digital media to communicate and engage with employees. Social enterprise tools are well suited for developing community within a company. Even so simply 56% of employers utilise digital media to communicate with employees on topics such as organizational civilization, team edifice or innovation, a Willis Towers Watson study found.77

Managers, notwithstanding one of the most important drivers of sustainable employee engagement, should be enabled to use social business organization and collaboration tools to intensify employee productivity and engagement.

Talent platforms, like Upwork, Topcoder and Tongal, are facilitating the placement of free agents with companies, and giving them additional options for getting work done. In the emerging "gig economic system", workers might no longer hold full-fourth dimension jobs with stock-still job descriptions, just could be employed for detail tasks for a divers flow of time.

Even as digitization enables the greater democratization of work, it besides places a premium on sure types of work (particularly those involved in the development, manipulation and leverage of technology and data). A McKinsey & Company study suggests that employers worldwide face a potential shortage of 38-40 1000000 skilled workers and a potential surplus of xc-95 million low-skill workers by 2020.78

These "friction points" give rise to new means of accessing talent and getting piece of work done. In 2011, more than than 22% of the global workforce could be classified every bit contingent (i.eastward. not employees in the traditional sense).79 In 2014, one in 3 Americans in the workforce was freelance, according to a recent survey past Freelancers Union.lxxx Moreover, co-ordinate to Workforce 2020, a global study past Oxford Economics and SAP, i finding (which allows multiple choices) shows that an impressive 83% of company-respondents apply: contingent workers (41%, i.due east. contained contractors, part-timers, or temporary or leased employees), consultants (34%), intermittent employees (35%) or interns (40%).81


This represents real change for employers as well as workers, permitting work and talent to flow in and out of organizations, boosting agility, productivity and competitiveness. As more than work moves outside the traditional employment human relationship, organizations inevitably will need to become more flexible, collaborative, interlinked and permeable to permit tasks to be achieved by the most capable talent – whether this be a full- or office-time employee, a freelancer or an employee of an outsourcer.

"Work has gone from being largely aggregated into jobs to increasingly being dispersed outside the organization. Talent is moving in and out of organizations much more freely."

Ravin Jesuthasan, Willis Towers Watson

Such a shift has implications for the broader social club. A contempo assay past McKinsey & Company suggests that talent platforms similar those mentioned higher up could heave global gross domestic product (Gross domestic product) by $2.7 trillion by 2025 (Effigy 12). The highest share of the gain would come up from greater labour-force participation of currently inactive people and more hours for role-timers. The residuum of the gain would result from higher employment due to more than and faster job matches and higher productivity as a result of better matches, all achieved through online talent platforms.82


4. Digital media can facilitate education and life-long learning to build and source the skills of the hereafter

The World Economic Forum's New Vision for Pedagogy projection identifies critical skills for the 21st century, and explores ways to address any gaps through digital platforms.84 The labour market place increasingly demands higher-lodge skills, i.e. non-routine belittling and interpersonal skills. Literacy in information and communications engineering science, and competencies such as artistic problem-solving and collaboration are among the about important. In add-on, graphic symbol qualities such as adaptability, and social and cultural awareness need to be developed. Building digital skills from an early on historic period provides opportunities to successfully navigate life, ameliorate employability and participate in society – which can help make the world a meliorate, more than equal identify. Increased use of digital media is helping this process.

"I'thousand a big believer that we admittedly demand technical literacy across all ages. And that starts with our education system. Nosotros don't need everybody to go a computer scientist, but nosotros need everybody to understand the computational systems that are shaping their lives."

danah boyd, Information & Society Research Found/Microsoft Inquiry

Employees demand to be more flexible to adapt to irresolute requirements and continuously learn and develop new skills. Global Talent 2021, a study by Oxford Economics in collaboration with Willis Towers Watson, amongst others, identified digital skills, agile thinking skills, interpersonal and communication skills, and global operating skills equally the most important competencies for the future.85

Digital leadership (enabling execution of the digital strategy) based on digital acumen is essential. Managers and leaders demand the correct cognition and skills to recognize and conceptualize digital trends, understand implications for business and leverage technology to stay abreast. However, only 19% of leaders are viewed as strong in digital leadership and management, a Harvard Business Review study published in 2015 plant, and so a demand exists to develop such skills.86

Digital media and engineering science can assist to close skill gaps by supporting teaching and self-education. Learning resource can be made available to a broader audience at lower cost and college quality. Digital media can be used to facilitate life-long learning, e.chiliad. through embedding learning technology in widely used platforms or using digital media for communication (e.g. teaching, mentoring and coaching) between students and educators. Digital media also is increasingly used for alluring and sourcing talent, especially young, digitally savvy workers. Diverse cross-industry talent pools might be some other mode to come across the need for new skills while offering growth opportunities to employees.87


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